Art Heart

The founder at Art Heart was looking for a complete new brand identity including logo design, brand guidelines and various mockups to help establish a style.

Art Heart holds a range of art classes for children that are designed to lean into their innate creativity. This creative field needed to be expressed within the branding.​

I chose to use four different pastel colours to represent the brand, these four colours were then used throughout, with careful selection so that each colour could be presented with good readability on at least one of the other colours. 

ClientArt Heart
SkillsLogo Design, Identity Design, Brand Guidelines, Pattern Design, Email Signature, Mockups; Merchandise, Social Media, Website
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Your child is creative ​ ...everyone is!

I established guidelines for the logo and for the graphic elements and how to use the copy on marketing materials. This is to ensure consistency throughout the brand.

Engaging with art and thinking like an artist...

Using the simple and bold patterns designed, I mocked up various materials and stationery. This really helped the founder to vision the brand coming to life.

The unique logo design, bold pastel colours, highlighted text and bright imagery all create the brilliant brand identity of Art Heart.