Gray Media

Gray Media a video production company that produces a variety of video content for all purposes across multiple industries and genres.

This client came to me looking for a complete brand refresh including a logo design update. Gray Media were looking for a simple, modern but bold brand for their new identity.

I designed the logo to include the initials G & M and a camera focus icon. The logo icon is symbolic, bold and memorable and is aesthetically pleasing to the eye especially when placed overtop of a photo or video. Their new colour palette includes a suite of greys and a bold blue – the primary and accent colour for the brand. I have chosen simple sharp-edged icons to match the logo style and a simple sans-serif font to keep the branding clean and modern. All of this applied with a few simple graphical elements, (e.i see Proposal Document) corner graphics to outline text, imagery and icons, created an overall feeling of bold, smart thinking and professionalism.

The client was thrilled with the outcome and even shared my detailed with a friend to design for their brand!

ClientGray Media
SkillsLogo Design, Identity Design, Brand Guidelines, Email Signature, Social Media, Proposal Document