Isarr Brand Identity

Isarr is a web based system that gives a dynamic, visual picture of an organisations security, risk and readiness. Their mission is to empower security, risk and resilience professionals with the information and tools to keep people and the environment safer and more resilient. 

I was approached by Isarr as they were looking to build a consistent brand identity for themselves. They already had a logo that they loved and a colour palette open to suggestions. They were keen to keep the logo for brand recognition, but open for me to look at the colour palette, design layouts and elements for the brand. I began by looking at the colour palette and enhancing the colours slightly and removing the unnecessary colours to make the brand more consistent. I brightened the orange, darkened the grey, removed the black and merged the beige and light grey together, Isarr now only looks at using four colours within their branding – this simplifies and makes the branding easier to apply.

The selected images for the Isarr brand have interesting angles and perspectives, and have a feeling as though they are taken through a security camera. I decided to apply a preset using Lightroom to the selected brand images, I have chosen a blue overlay to create a contrast with the brands accent orange colour.

Everything used together in the brand, from the logo, font, colours, edited images and icons, all create a feeling of professionalism, smart technology and data driven brand.

SkillsBranding, Brand Guidelines, White Paper Design, Powerpoint Template
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